Innertune APK v5.12.17 (No Ads)

Innertune APK v5.12.17 (No Ads)

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Android 10 and up
Version 5.12.17
54 MB
Android 10 and up
Version 5.12.17
54 MB

Innertune APK is a phone app that provides daily positive messages to improve your thinking, even while you sleep. Customizable and clear audio messages.

App Name Innertune: Listen Affirmations
Publisher Innertune Media Inc.
MOD Info No Ads
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MOD Info
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Innertune is a special phone app that gives you strong, good thoughts every day. It helps you think in a way that makes life better. It talks to you with inspiring messages, makes your thinking positive, and can even work when you sleep.

Five Key Features

Make Your Own Good Thoughts

You can pick or make your own messages that make you feel strong and happy. The app has a lot of these messages you can choose from. They help you feel good about yourself.

Listen Good, Listen Clear

The messages you hear are very clear and sound nice. When you listen, they go deep into your mind. This makes it easy for you to believe the strong, good words in your heart.

Hands-Free Help While Sleeping

The best part? You can use Innertune even when you're asleep! Your phone plays the good messages quietly. It’s like planting seeds of happiness in your mind at night.

Finding the Right Words

The app lets you search for the perfect good thoughts you need. You find what fits your life right then. It’s easy to use, so you won’t get lost looking for the help you want.

A World of Friends

Join people everywhere who are also growing and being happy like you. Share your journey and learn from others as part of Innertune's big family of users.

Best Tips for Innertune

Listen Every Day

Make a plan to listen to your good messages each day. This helps your mind get used to thinking in a happy, strong way.

Create a Calm Space

Try to be in a still, quiet spot when you listen to the good thoughts. This way, your mind can really focus on the good words without distraction.

Track Your Mood

Keep a diary of how you feel. Over time, see how the good thoughts are changing you and making things better in your life.

Share Your Experience

Talk to other people using Innertune or your friends about how it helps you. Sharing your story can make the experience even richer and help others.

Give Feedback

If something is wrong with the app or could be better, tell Innertune at their support email. They really want to make everything work well for you.

Pros and Cons


  • Good for Your Mind: Using the app makes you see life in better ways and feel stronger inside.

  •  Talks to Subconscious: It sends good thoughts deep down to where you don't even notice, helping you change.

  • Choices: You have lots of powerful, good messages to pick from or you can make your own.

  • Ease of Use: The app is not hard to work. You can find what you need fast.

  • Sound Quality: The audio is very clear, making sure the good words are heard well.


  • Bugs on Android: Some users find problems with the app not working right on Android phones.

  • Need Internet: You must have a connection to the internet to get new good thoughts.

  • English: The app is only in English, so some people might not find it easy to use.

  • Battery Use: Playing affirmations all night could use a lot of your phone’s battery.

  • Price: There might be a cost to getting more features, which not everyone can afford.

Alternatives for Innertune

If Innertune isn't what you want, there are other choices. ThinkUp, Shine, or Headspace also give good messages and thoughts for your mind. They have different ways to help you get a peaceful, strong mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly does Innertune do?

It gives you good messages to hear that change your mind and feelings for the better.

Does it cost money?

The app can be downloaded free, but some parts might need paying for.

Can you use it offline?

You need the internet for some parts of the app, but once downloaded, the affirmations can be used offline.

Is it only for phones?

Yes, it's made to work on phones, both iOS and Android systems.

How long before you see changes?

Changes in how you feel can start quick, but keep using the app to really see big changes.


Innertune might be a great way to make your mind think healthy, strong thoughts. By saying good words to yourself every day or by making sleeping useful, it aims to help you feel the best you can.

Free Download Innertune APK (No Ads, Free Unlocked Music) Latest Version for Android

To start feeling better and stronger, head to You can trust this place to download Innertune. Give it a go and see how good thoughts can change everything.

Download (54 MB)

You are now ready to download Innertune for free. Here are some notes:

  • To prevent users from installing apk files from outside, Google Play has now added a warning when installing apks & mods. PlayProtect will tell you the file is harmful. Simply, just click “Install anyway (unsafe)”.

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