Google Play Services APK v23.44.14 (for Android)

Google Play Services APK v23.44.14 (for Android)

By Admin
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Android 5.0 and up
Version 23.44.14
139 MB
Android Android 5.0 and up
Version 23.44.14
139 MB

Google Play Services APK is a system app on Android devices that helps other apps work well together and stay up to date.

App Name Google Play services
Publisher Google LLC
MOD Info for Android
Get it On Google Play
MOD Info
  • for Android

Google Play Services is a special app for Android phones. It helps all your other apps to stay up-to-date and run smoothly.

Five Key Features

Keeps Apps Fresh

Google Play Services makes sure your phone's apps get the newest updates. This means they have the latest features and fixes.

Stay Logged In

It lets you use Google stuff like Gmail and Maps without signing in all the time. It keeps things simple and speeds up logging into games and apps.

Saves Battery

The app also makes sure that services like maps don't use too much battery. It's smart to figure out where you are without draining power.

Privacy and Contacts

Play Services helps to keep your contacts all in order and safe. It looks after your details and makes sure the privacy settings are good for you.

Makes Games Better

If you love games, this app helps by using the phone's memory in the best way. It means games play better without slowing down your phone.

Best Tips for Google Play Services

Keep It Updated

Always let Google Play Services update when it needs to. It keeps your phone running well.

Look At Permissions

Check what parts of your phone Play Services can use. Go to the settings in the app and choose what feels okay for you.

Fixing Problems

If you have trouble with your app, you can clear its cache. That can fix many common issues. It's like giving the app a fresh start.

Learn What It Does

Take time to see what Play Services does on your phone. It helps you understand how it keeps your device safe and updated.

Check Location Settings

Play Services can change your phone's location settings. If the battery is going down fast, maybe set the location to only turn on when using maps or games.

Pros and Cons


1. Automatic Updates: Google Play Services updates your apps without you having to do it yourself. This keeps your phone secure and the apps working nicely.

2. Better Experience: It makes your phone do things better, like finding places on a map even when you're not online.

3. Saves Battery: The app uses less power when it checks where you are, which means your phone battery lasts longer.

4. Gaming and Services: It makes games fun by using your phone's memory in smart ways. Plus, you can use Google's services smoothly.

5. Safety and Privacy: Google Play Services keeps your details private and helps manage your contacts safely.


1. Can't Remove It: The app cannot be deleted because your phone really needs it to make other apps work right.

2. Might Use Data: Sometimes it might use your mobile data, which could cost money if you don't have much data left.

3. Errors: Now and then, the app might have errors that can make your phone slow down or the battery go down faster until the problem is fixed.

Alternatives for Google Play Services

If your device doesn’t have Google Play Services, or if you are looking for something similar, there are few true alternatives out there due to its unique role. However, some users with devices not supporting Google Play Services might turn to services like MicroG, which tries to replace what Google Play Services does without using Google's frameworks.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Google Play Services for?

It's an app that keeps the other apps on your phone updated and helps them work better.

2. Do I need Google Play Services?

Yes, if you use Android, you need this app for other apps to work well on your phone.

3. Why is Google Play Services running in the background?

It is running to check for updates, help you use Google services easily, and make sure your apps work well together.

4. Can I turn off Google Play Services?

You can't turn it off because it helps run important parts of your phone.

5. Does it cost money to use Google Play Services?

No, it's free and it comes installed on Android phones.


Google Play Services is a key part of your Android phone that makes sure your apps are current and the phone works smoothly. It saves battery, lets you use Google without logging in every time, and makes games more fun.

Free Download Google Play Services APK Old Version for Android

If you need to update or get Google Play Services, go to It's a safe place where you can download what you need for your Android phone.

Download (139 MB)

You are now ready to download Google Play Services for free. Here are some notes:

  • To prevent users from installing apk files from outside, Google Play has now added a warning when installing apks & mods. PlayProtect will tell you the file is harmful. Simply, just click “Install anyway (unsafe)”.

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